△ 120° "To go, to tread, to walk." The trine etymology gives this aspect the meaning of its energy. Through out centuries, astrologers have interpreted the sky focusing mostly in that energy that challenges us, such as conjunctions, squares, oppositions, and any dissonant geometric aspects being formed in the sky at an specific time; in astrology we call them hard aspects. It is observed that harmonious aspects such as the trine △ present the path of least resistance, the easiest way, for a simple reason: there is no challenge, there is nothing to overcome or discover. What it does is show where inherent talents lie in a natal chart, something you are naturally gifted at. It may be so natural that when unaware it becomes unconscious and we stop paying attention to its harmony. We forget, and focus on what is difficult. Hence the human condition. Hence the world we live in. As above, so below. As without, so within. Macro, micro. The universe is in each one of us. We are light and sound. Integrating two decades of experience teaching #poweryoga , studying Vipassana meditation, and a life time trajectory in music and cymatics, I became an astrologer as a consequence of me walking△ the golden path of the yogi. I have being helping others with astrology readings since 2018, and Planetary Moods Yoga Concerts began back in 2015. Trained in Power Yoga by its founder Bryan Kest, in Vipassana meditation by S.N. Goenka, and a rich list of masters in the art ofAstrology, I have arrived to a 360° - and here I AM. I created @astral_mindfulness to remind us all of what harmony can do, what our cosmic trines wish to tell us. In the sky, the planets involved in trines △ work together and support each other. It is time for a 360° 🌎✨⭐️✨ Harmony as a way of life. It is time ⭐️ #venusstartpoint #libra #100years . 360° △ r t es △ r m ó n i c a s y M E d i ci n △ les #workshops & #privatesessions