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360° Cosmic News

Writer: YesYes


Cosmic News

by Y e y e

The determination to succeed is in everyone's mind when the Sun ingresses Aquarius in the Tropical Zodiacal clock, on January 20th, 2023. A new moon rises in the sky on January 21st, planting the seed for a new liberating era. Happy New Year!

Uranus and Saturn, the modern and traditional rulers of the Aquarius constellation, have finally separated from the tense square (90°) aspects we have been experiencing during the last two years, affecting our economy and sovereignty.

Change and tradition have been playing a balancing evolutionary tempo as a way to introduce a new Venus Urania Star Point in Libra setting the cosmic clock for the harmonization of humanity that vibes the next 100 years. Authentic and genius free thinking electrified by Uranus magnetizes surprising concrete efforts paired with wisdom and good timing as a way of-03 evolution.

The planet Uranus stations direct on Jan 22nd and you can expect the unexpected to surprise you as you experience an awakening of your freedom to think as an indiviual and be different. Mercury and Mars, though still in their post-retrograde shadow until Feb 7and March 15th, already move forward clarifying Uranus's avant-gard high intelligent message: Your human nature is the most advanced technology.

Eureka! Innovation and new patterns of behaviour are set to build new traditions structured by our hopes for the future. Authority re-defines itself as the individual freedom to be the author of your individuality as an altruistic service to society. The wise tune up mind/heart coherence to this new avant-gard Aquarian vibe guided by the Water-bearer constellation. New leaders think different.

Technology advances faster than the average programmed mind, and you are reminded that you are an electric creative genius being responsible for inspiring the algorithm with your smart behavior. Hence, a necessary question arises: What is the example that you give AI as an active user of the matrix?

Your behavior is already observed, learned, analyzed and enhanced by the robots of this era. As Yucatecos evolve faster and faster towards a model of a 'Smart City', drones are already flying above us, and invisible wi-fi signals travel our skies enclosing us inside their grid. To study your own electrical nature is the responsible thing to do. To be in tune with the water-bearer constellation is to be aware of your body's water elemental nature and its electro-conductor qualities.

The new moon cycle begins applying a conjunction to the Sun in 1∞ Aquarius 32í happening in an area of the sky known as the ninth house (XI); where historically humanity has been observed to resonate with its beliefs and spiritual ideals. In Aquarius we aim to higher teachings as we weave our most revolutionary dreams.

The Sabian symbolism of these degrees teach us in clairvoyance that the concretization of our idealism makes possible the immortalization of the individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise; the real revolution is in understanding that all human institutions and their achievements can be washed away, even in their day of great glory. "Dust you were, dust you must become." This is the ultimate law of nature: Impermanence.

Venus ingresses Piscis Januray 26th, where it is in exaltation inspiring you to trascend all quarrels with compassion and heal your relationships with soul and forgiveness, disolving your ego through unconditional love and artistic beauty. God's calling to live inspired by the cosmic universal values that govern all religious beliefs: do not kill, do not lie, do not steal, do not intoxicate your mind, and do not engage in sexual misconduct awakens your awareness as harmony is bound to be the spirituality of the future.

Re-member the heart repeating this mantra: "It is Okay to change my mind. That is how I break the pattern."



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