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360° Full Moon in Leo: To achieve the grandiosity of your #LionHeart stop asking for permission

Writer: YesYes

360° This Full Moon in Leo♌️ forms a sextile (60°) with #Mars ♊️ and a trill (120°) to Chiron♈️

Both harmonic aspects that form the celestial pattern of the #trapeze and offer you harmonic solutions to the tensions of the square (90°) of this lunation with #uranus which presents the unexpected; in the case of the square, the challenge drives to action.

The trapeze is energy that is fed within the context of challenge, and chaos. When the opposition of the Trapezium also forms the T-square, the base that appeared to be strong can collapse with the crash. The trapezoid is the harmonic pattern that demands balance and indicates external help that at critical moments appears in the right place at the right time. The detail is that without refusing something, without choosing, you cannot build the best future. Escaping will not protect you or give you gain , it just delays the solution and is like being in a comfortable prison. In the worst of cases, if you have chosen a situation that protects you without having prepared and cleanse the foundations of both the situation and your character, the situation may collapse, and calm and stability may be replaced by erratic hysteria. .

#Mars ♊️ harmonically aspects #Chiron ♈️ and #Neptune ♓️ - the unique dispositor of this #fullmoon. the only energy that will help you to heal the irritation of anger is compassion towards what you are experiencing and forgiveness of your mistakes, so you can have compassion with others and forgive their attacks and aggressions motivated by competition and the ego that motivates humans to come first and win. ♊️ harmonically aspects #Chiron ♈️ and #Neptune ♓️ - the unique dispositor of this #fullmoon - hence, the only energy that will help you heal the irritation caused by anger is compassion towards yourself and what you are experiencing and forgiveness of your mistakes, so you can have compassion with others and forgive theirs, including attacks and aggressions motivated by competition and the ego that motivates humans to arrive first and win.

#chiron in the XI house - of the good spirits in the axis of good fortune - tunes up all of humanity to celebrate friendships and alliances that inspire hope and altruism. The pleasures of life in the balance of good company and the creative art of beauty. #Venus at 12° ♓️ in the X house - the house of your role in society - announces that sooner or later life demands that you clearly and unequivocally face the ideal that you yourself have publicly declared as your own. Subject to laws and collective traditions, you have to demonstrate the value of your service awakening your will power 💜🦁


360° On February 5, 2023 at 22:28pm CT the #mooninleo ♌️ illuminates the 3rd house - known in #Hellenistic #astrology as the house of the #goddess - aspecting in opposition

(180°) to the regent of Leo♌️, the Sun, in the IX house; the house of #god: the polarity between the subconscious mind and full consciousness, between intuitive instinct and divine will, between memory and free will, between "I need" and "I want".

In the Leo/Aquarius axis, without joy, creativity and talent, there is no worthwhile revolution, the mission is to be admired by your Lion heart so that there is evolution and not revolution. Interesting to note that this moon illuminates the Lioness and her roar. It is #she who changes her feelings with the moon and her intuition puts her at the center of the human drama, illuminating her light as a protective mother of life. It is #he who is about to be judged for believing himself to be Almighty God.

Uranus transits through the XII house - the house of evil spirits - whoever feeds their madness by rebelling against their nature, risks suffering from Saturn, or being recruited in the war that polarizes with bad luck from the VI house at the disposal of toxic power of unconsciousness, and the purge of the South Node.

The tension of the luminaries in square in T with #urano in #taurus drive a radical change; available to #venus in #Pisces Uranus gives the baton to #neptune as the sole dispositor of this full moon: The innovator confuses with his magic when he hides reality. He believes that his sacrifice justifies the lie, but #ketu polarizes and any governance that abuses power and financially manipulates his subordinates results in loss.

The enlightened Being learns and teaches that to be God, humanity must be harmonized with justice, love, beauty and in the balance of #truth and freedom in the search for meaning; Jupiter, the benefic of this diurnal lunation, applies just wisdom and teaches that the truth is that God and Goddess are one light. The light of life on Earth. It is their faith that moves mountains.

The harmonic celestial pattern announces: whoever forgives, inspires the art of noble silence and listens compassionately, will win the war.

lion heart🦁


360° full moon February 5, in degree 16°♌️39' illuminates the joy and power of new beginnings. The storm is over, all of nature celebrates the sun's rays. United we dedicate ourselves to a common ideal: The need to protect the individual right to live a private life without public interference; the need to protect yourself from "astral" intrusions and perhaps the "black magic" that society collectively exerts by insisting on awakening magical states of consciousness. Religions train their elementals asking for protection, in order to continue their process of individuation and destiny, safe. Likewise, there will be individuals who are motivated by the intention to rob and harm others, but the reality is that any society that glorifies competition, ambition and success at all costs is responsible for individual violence.

The more creative the person, the more protection they will need.

The #sun in Aquarius is the consciousness of this #lunallenaenleo During #theaquarius era humanity learns to use the power generated by human union and group interaction; that is, you have to learn to use the power of #harmony for the #wellbeing of all, and planet Earth. Something that has never been achieved and has rarely been attempted. Humanity today will have to make an honest and determined attempt, or it will be destroyed - with the exception of creative "seed" people who would have to start again from new foundations. Everything that is not invested with a harmonic quality does not survive. The re-evaluation of humanity is a call to actualize the #spiritual potential that implies the approaching evolutionary transformation. Organizing yourself does not imply only order and structure, rather it describes our nature as an #organism: we are one. The butterfly effect is felt🦋

The #air element dominates, there is balance between planetary modalities: Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed. The Sun and #saturn in the #MedioCielo, and the moon in the #nadir

#neptune in #pisces is a sole dispositor: forgive y Love unconditionally.

In Leo your center lights up and the need is to shine a brave, trustworthy, cheerful and talented heart... that loves.

To achieve the grandiosity of your lion heart, stop asking for permission.




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