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360° Happy equinox

Writer: YesYes

☀️Sun 0°0' #aries♈ tuned by #mars

🌘Waning crescent Moon 18°38' #pisces♓️ tuned by Jupiter and Neptune

🐝ASC 23°6' #leo♌ tunned by the Sun

☀️Day chart: Solar tunning

Harmonic : Jupiter

Disonant : Mars

☀️Ruller & Hyleg: Sun

Patterns: Stellium, Multiple planet Square

•Element: Fire🔥dominant among inner planets

•Mode: Cardinal, Mutable, Fixed evenly distributed

•Saturn is descending

•Uranus is on the Midheaven

• Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini are in mutual reception

• Neptune in Pisces is in the sign of its rulership

By sign, house and aspect:

🐝Sun ♈️IX 🔳 Mars♊️XI: Illuminating the belief in your Self it is time to remove the obstacles to act. Rise above the collective consciousness. It takes creativity and courage to lead yourself under your own authority.

🐝Sun♈️IX sextile#pluto♑️ orb 1° : Shinning truth with integrity is an oportunity for renewal; empower your independent leadership; free yourself and detox from negativity, wrong livelihood, dark ambitions, distrust, and evil power trips. (If it is harmful to you or others it is toxic)

ASC♌️ 🔳 MC♉️orb 1°: Tuned to Sun♈️VIII and Venus♉️X : Ten house is the #joy of Venus and Venus in Tauro's dignity is in domicile, and the Sun is exalted in Aries : #venus is conjunct the #northnode♉️ and sextil Saturn 1°♓️ and 🔳 #pluto : As you rise at the center of your own story most obstacles to your creativity and joy suggest the need to heal from toxic Relationships. Transmuting energy calls for your generosity and #joidevivre , loving those who love you is easy but the challenge is to disolve all animosities with your love. Who leads with love succeed in the long term. Why are you so angry? Are you hungry? Are you hurt? Why is it so important to you to submit others to your will? Why do you insist on closing your heart to the ones who think different than you? Love unifies the cosmos, may your need for attention does not ignite egocentrism and selfishness; revelations & secrets revealed are an opportunity to heal as you transmute all darkness into light.

Moon♓️VII sextile Uranus♉️X 🔳ASC♌️ : The ideals about the relationship will change. Change yourself if you are the obstacle.



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