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360° Moon in Taurus : Do it right

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360° Today's #moon in Taurus ♉️ began its transit in its waining Gibosa phase, which is a time of diffusion and synthesis.

The Moon is ahead of the Sun at 225°-279° and tends to be social, where you enjoy pausing to enjoy the moment. The soul tends to challenge the limits of the conventional and instinctively perceives injustices. A beneficial phase for teaching. I learned studying the phases of the moon with Kelly Surtees that the natives of this phase of the moon have innate wisdom and share their knowledge and experiences from a young age.

This decreasing gibbous phase lasts until Sep 17 at 4:59amCT when the Third Quarter Moon begins.

In Taurus ♉️ from 6:39 am CT it gives us an earth energy that serves to achieve practical and beautiful things, and connect with the senses and your nature. In the art of climbing mountains, for example, the knots you tie with your hands should be simple but safe, because when climbing obstacles you want to feel full confidence in the work you did. ☯️ Dispelling and synthesizing following your instinct and intuition helps you to simplify.

Studying medical astrology with Judith Hill I learned that The Waning Moon expels, purges, cleanses the body. It serves to nourish you and eat healthy, to remove parasites, and it is a good time for surgeries in which something needs to be removed (the last quarter is much better). The moon in Taurus is excellent for long-term building and planting roots. It strengthens the body, tones, is astringent and concentrates; It also constipate. Helps build muscle and bone. The liver slows down.

In its aspects, the moon applies a trine to Venus, ruler of Taurus, and today forms a semi-sextile with Jupiter who continues in opposition to Mercury in Libra, also ruled by Venus: you have done well to integrate the opposition of whoever wants you good and who loves you.

Mercury rules the Sun in Virgo who applies a sesquisquare to the moon and observing the emotions of the other is inevitable.

What hidden energy does Pluto reveal to you about power?

Tomorrow the moon conjunct the North Node connects with Uranus at 5:34pmCT and the change is felt with the need for space.

The future calls, do what is beneficial🙂 do it right.



360° AstroYoga: the science of light



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