360 ° nov 25 4:44 p.m. CT🌛 As the Moon ingresses to the celestial space tuned by Saturn - known in the zodiac as Capricorn♑️ - a feel for mastery grounds your growth.
Ahead of the Sun between 45 ° to 89 ° degrees, the seed is now germinating and starting to sprout.
The crescent phase gives a feeling for caution and even hesitance, as challenges and tensions abound under the lunar waxing phase amd what we need is to work through them. Do not let hesitancy hold you back, listen to your intuition to define your course of action, and then follow through with your enthusiasm. The current Sun in Sagitario in a separating harmonic trine △ with its ruler planet #jupiter magnified the frontiers you need to trascend with pure will so you can seize this lunar phase tone of confidence and nurture a sense of unrestrained direction that allows you to break free from cultural ir familial boudaries.
Venus rules the Ascendent in Tauro ♉️ - who houses at the moment Urano Conjunct the North Node of the moon rising XII - and it is applying an exact △ trine to Quirón in Aries♈️ tunning you up with your sense of self value and beauty as your inner spiritual warrior continues creating a fair balance breaking through with affirmations forced by a collective healing that reflects your inner child wound back to you. Aries is the zodiac celestial space guided by Mars and its higher octave Pluto - action and transformation fire up your desire to transmute generational hurt into a spiritual healing. I call it "healing the galaxy". "Making love" is the common term on Earth.
This is key, as Venus in #quincux (an important minor aspect which us neither harmonious nor an aspect of tension that symbolizes an ordely and organized universe) with the North Node ♉️ tunes up heart magnetism .vs soul evolution. The structure of the Quincux reflects stability and is free from chaos and confusion. Even though it feels difficult to see common ground between the two energies involved - in this #horoskope between love that is truthful and liberating .vs creating stability through change as you harmonies financial matters that ground your sense of value and selfsteem -compartmentalizing can help.