360° Venus ingressed Capricorn, and now transits in tune with Saturn who rules this zodiacal celestial space and all planets transiting through Capri.
For all night charts, a balancing act begins to harmonize time between lovers and partnerships structuring wise boundaries. "Where, when and how" depend on which houses are being activated in your natal chart, and where Venus and Saturn are placed and under which aspects.
People tend to feel undervalued, not enough, under this Venus/Saturn energy. Since Saturn is currently trasiting through Aquarius, the determination and ambition to succeed in the long term helps you innovate new rules between the two of you that can free up some space for each of you to grow and mature into the mastery of your own heart coherence and magnetism. Concrete effort will give the relationship ground to last with good self esteem.
Mastery relates to harmony,
and a balanced structure loves unitya d beauty. Venus is always about pleasure; in Helenistic Astrology which is Traditional Astrology with a WholeHouses House System, Venus is called a #benefic planet. It harmonizes and unifies with love and money to create balance, justice and union. Venus is Afrodita. The Rose🌹 the pink #quartz Romance. Partnership, business associations,
one on one relationships. You and I. ☀️harmonizing loving energy☀️
Venus rules Tauro, where Uranus - the co-ruler of Aquarius along with Saturn -retrogrades in an inconjunction 150° (quincux) with the Sun 18°♐️sag 35'
the fifth house nurturing creative business. Integration to balance be tween freedom and family, home ad social justice, great teachings and spirit. In one word "Truth"✨ the most valued expression of friendship. Jupiter is rising in the first house of Self. Direct in the last critical 29° ♓️piscis Jupiter plays melodies with poetry like Zeus, or Jesus, would; celebrating loving the other as you love yourself 💗💗
Vebus in Capri loves responsibility and discipline that leads to mastery and wisdom. Then Time is all there is. How are you enjoying your time? Pleasures, good food, art,
good company, natural and simple luxury 🪬