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AstroYoga Workshops

Writer: YesYes

What do you think Astro Yoga is? 💚 What is your Solar Nature? Where is your moon? Do you know your Ascendent? Do you understand electromagnetism and the planetary dance effecting your consciousness? Do you understand the science of light? Are you using your dreams and clarivoyant mind in awareness of the timing of your natural cycles?

• Discovering your #Cosmic #nature ✨🧘🏻‍♀️🔭 Universal teachings for inner peace with Yeye #astroyoga

T h e p a t h of t h e

S O U L •💙


And so it is... Yoga means Union of body/mind/spirit ✨ for the benefit of all.

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We are all ONE and Universal, but we are not the same. The path of the yogi is more than being able to touch your knees with your head, or blancing on one foot, it is a conexion to the divine in you through every breath, every tought, every word, every action; Flexibility in yoga means you can change your mind towards wisdom and equianimity amd abandon fixed ideas of what is to see things as they are;

to be strong in yoga means you can hold your energy and honor how you feel and your most beneficial intention towards the earth amd humanity, even when humanity gives you no reason to believe in your true self, that is being strong; the body follows the mind. Learn to observe your sensations to recognize how you feel first then you can honor the #truth in you. Forget judgement and expectations, blossom as you are in the garden of spirit. Believe in your own tramsformation. 🦋 To all yogis out there... the teacher is within- are you listening?

The path of the yogi is the path of the Sun🌞 The Sun tells the story of the awakening of awareness, its path leads you towards consciousness. Consciousness of what? Consciousness of your own consciousness as the light that shines through and becomes your personal power. ✨All life blossoms towards the Sun light🌞🧘🏻‍♀️You can learn about natural time universal cycles using astrology at @astral_mindfulness astralmindfulness ✨

If you are interested in attending the upcoming #astroyoga workshop with me in #merida , #yucatán ... stay tuned and visit @casa_conexion 🌹 Natural workshops

by @namastelaondanatural




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