My parents, both great teachers, gave me the most beautiful gift that any being can give to another person ... they gave me the gift of their faith. They always believed in me.
And so they taught me to have faith in life and believe in others.
Break free. The truth is never just one. Transcend your own and give yourself room to grow spiritually and change your perspective. Angels and Demons, an also emerging duality of light. Sub-atomic particles appear and disappear. You are Light and sound. You are electricity and magnetism. Particles and waves. You are and you are not. You are because you see yourself. You are because I see you.
But in the Universe? No me, no mine, no I exits.
How do you sound when you exist? How much do you shine when you are? Perhaps optimism is what unites you with the other, but what sustains you over time is your ability to open your heart and show yourself vulnerable.
Very good time to start again. Inspire, dream, create, heal, love, transcend. A conscious cleansing of body, mind, and spirit.
Free yourself from the yokes that steal your freedom. Free yourself from partners who are jealous and hide you, and won't let you grow. Free yourself from partnerships that don't lift your spirits. Free yourself from the nonsensical rules that only fuel the desire for control and the misuse of power. Free yourself from declared enemies who present themselves to you as shamans of your harmony.
Listen to your own sensations; What does the body tell you? Can you breathe consciously and free?
A good time to revolutionize the present in favor of the future.
Shining in the projection of the other is not the same as shining with your own light. To illuminate with your ideas, with your own silences, with your own words, is to illuminate with your own creativity and creative light, the electricity of thought. Free yourself from useless thoughts.
If you don't have a dream of your own to expand; join your most altruistic cause. The long-term goal is a healthy, wise, enlightened, happy community.
Break free. I believe in you. I have faith in your hope, in your unconditional love, in your sincere friendship, I have faith that you will know how to decide for the most universal and beneficial truth for all. We are made in the image of God. God is everywhere.
Let no one convince you with their ignorance to make you believe that life is meant to be immortal. Educate yourself, awaken the teacher in you. Break free.
Like an old owl sitting alone on the branch of a great tree, the wisdom you have cultivated about existence can emerge, based on clear perception. If you activate your mindfulness, you will be able to become aware of the life processes that normally escape the Ego and its intellect. It is your opportunity to develop a wisdom deeper than tragedy, a peace and equanimity beyond conflict.
The Translucent Being manifests itself, if you give it space and believe in yourself. To grow as a revolutionary asking for action. If there is an explosion of repressed feelings and root emotions during this eclipsed full moon, it will be flavored for the future.
I believe in you.