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Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 2020

Writer: Yes Yes

Mercury is going retrograde from 14• degree Cancer on June 17/18 to 5• degree Cancer July 12th : reflect, restore, resolve... or repeat.

In matter of home, family, and your emotional stability, the past will keep your mind. Nurture your inner peace with meditation.

What starts in thought as a great void, a changeless reality, is a way beyond appearances that goes toward Permanence in Truth.

As you move through your opinions and a remembrance of the past, a strong will is required to face the issue at stake. As you shape your character, a revelation of latent worth rises from the experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning. De conditioning starts with the ability to laugh, specially at once Self. Perfection takes craftsmanship. Simply reach out with a pure and unconditioned mind to the simplest things natural life offers. It is a learning process. Creative imagination, operates within a realm often called "astral", contrasting the invisible with the visible, the dream and the ideal with every day reality. An instinctual dedication of self to new forms of life. You will arrive to a karmic readjustment. All individual and relatively anarchistic or law-defying attempts are bound to fail, but man learns his lessons through destructive experiences.

Too complex? You"ll have a chance to transit the experience once more in forward movement. For now, reflect, restore, and resolve... or repeat.

🙏🏼 For a personal exploration of this cosmic cycle, and how you can best transit these times, Open your Sky 👉


A deeper cosmic dive

So, let's observe first the mind, and the word, where the entire Universe begins, and lets talk about Mercury retrograde in Cáncer, and its aspects, at the time of the Solar Eclipse, June 21st.

Mercury, is the planet that rules communication, movement, commerce, and the analytical mind. From a medicinal perspective, Mercury is Cold, Dry and Melancholic. Light, subtle, and mobile; the Nervous temperament.  A Mutable modality makes Mercury flexible, adaptable, ambiguous, restless, changeable.  Mercury is the brain, the mind, the nervous system and the psychic faculty.  The faculty of common sense. Resonating with the analytical mundane mind, Mercury enjoys agility, dexterity, cleverness; basic skills and competencies.  It rules communication and the Throat Center - hearing and speech, as well as Pneuma and the respiratory function, its element is Air.  Mercury relates to the arms and hands, and digital dexterity, the throat and thyroid gland.  We can understand its mental nature and temperament, according to sign, house, and aspects.  The intellect and intellectual faculties in general.  The Ideation process.  Transportation and commerce are also affected by Mercury's cycles, and it can also be the clever con man or trickster.  It plays a part in balance and homeostasis.

In Transit, Mercury is moving in retrograde from 14• degree Cancer on June 17/18 to 5• degree Cancer July 12th, influencing you to reflect, restore, relearn and resolve... or repeat.

To think might not feel as clear as it feels when you observe your sensations as they arise in your body with every thought, so slow your mind down by focusing your attention on your breath, until it concentrates. Then, reflect, resolve, restore, or repeat. What is unsolved will show up again for your mindful contemplation about how to best communicate how you feel and ask for what you need to negotiate your stability with intelligence.

Stability at home, can be felt as an opportunity for grounding change in the way you think about the past, and your opinions about what family is. Your state of mind will have no obstacles dreaming truths unsaid during this eclipse. Take care of your own needs, and turn into spiritual inspiration, poetry, music and art, or meditation, when reality gets to cagey, or too limiting. A higher universal consciousness is called for, as it is an uniting, hopeful, compassionate energy that can help you flow through the intangible of these surprising changes.

Escaping reality can be done through the mind, which is why Neptune is the higher octave of Mercury. So, your intelligent analysis of what is, because Mercury is retrograde, most likely can be confusing to you and others within the family, so do practice clarity, when you think, and when you speak, so communication serves all. A higher intelligence is called for, one of intuition, sensibility, and healing spirituality. These can help you transcend in meditation what otherwise can become Studio54.

Be mindful that alcohol, abuse, intoxicating the mind with drugs, lies and fantasies, is always an invitation to numb your sense of reality when the mind cannot find peace within. Are you ready for astral travel induced by intoxicants and done without consciousness and understanding? As you go on this path, be aware to not be an open portal that allow entities from other dimensions to attach to you or your house, you do not want to surrender your divine power to be alive on this Earth, as a human being.

Your mind is thinking about how to best transform, and renew from all this darkness around home with nurturing wisdom. The meaning of success is changing, you are being asked to change your mind about what it means to lead others successfully. Discipline and responsibility will take you through to the other side. It is all karma, and debts that we pay from past actions, so make sure you don't create new karma and new debts by imposing your opinions before your emotional well being, and listen to your heart.

Sometimes things happen that are nobody's fault, they happen to push you to try new paths, and do things in a new way. Through out this eclipse season, the initiative to heal an old wound is like pursuing happiness, it might not heal you forever and it might not make you happy all the time, but it is the path that is worth it, because when you do heal, you heal others, and when you pursuit happiness, you also generate it for others, so be brave and overcome your fears if you have to do it on you own. You can feel the need for rebellion, you might feel you do not want to submit your personal power at anything or anyone, and you might choose to fight and use your weapons as a way to get your independence through new experiences, so it will serve you to remember that it is courage what is needed to start again, and not control. It is the ultimate challenge, to release control, as the warriors' path is to guard the peace. And peace always starts with you.

Creativity can be medicine at home. Everything in the universe is light and sound, a vibration. To help the family, keep your mind in perfect equanimity and awareness, like a God or Goddess would. Cultivate stability, by slowing down to the natural peaceful rhythm of your heart beat. Focus your attention on the breath, concentrate your mind on one point of focus, and meditate while you learn from the teachings of ancient practices like astrology, medicine, music, healing, or meditation, to understand the truth and wisdom that arises from your experience.

You are your own refuge, you are home. Your house is the Earth, and all sentient beings are your family.

Reflect, restore, relearn, resolve... or repeat.

Better yet, #meditate.

- In geometric aspects, Mercury, is in sextile (60 degrees) to Uranus in Tauro, in trine (120 degrees) to Neptune, Ceres, and Nessus in Piscis, in opposition (180 degrees) to Pluto and the MC in Capricorn, in square (90 degrees) with Chiron, Part of Fortune, Lilith, and the Ascendant in Aries, and in conjunction with Apollo in Cancer.



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