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New Moon May 11th, 2021

Writer: YesYes

When it comes to your stability, choosing good company, enjoying the simple things in life, hugging, feeling, living with art, how much influence do collective values ​​have on your decisions?

The mystical sensation of this #newmoon in the 21 * degree of #Taurus, reminds you to learn to discern what is meaningful to you personally, in your culture and religion, in your community, in your circle of friends, in your family and in all your relations.

The new moon is the union of the Sun and the Moon in the sky. The illumination of the emotions, and the feeling of the will. What do you want? What is your feeling? What do you need? What do you give?

In the 9th house, these questions invite you to connect with your idealism, your dreams, just before the natural ruler of this house, Jupiter, enters his own territory to expand your truth in the search for meaning in a very trascendental and inspiring way; this beneficial planet transit comes to help you transcend your perspective, to unify mind, body and spirit, with an eye on the Truth so that you can finally travel borders, and dissolve what separates you from others with your unconditional love.

Eclipse season begins, May 26 full moon comes with a lunar eclipse that accelerates change; from this new moon, the next 6 months will see you manifesting a dream that is really inspiring to you. Do you know what dream that is? From May 13th to July 28th, Jupiter in Pisces gives you a taste of what 2022 can look like to you. Now is the moment to plant the seed.

Feeling reality is as much an intuitive act as the act of walking the path you are on with discipline and serious effort; and your intention is your inspiration. What do you want? What do you feel? How do you walk the path to manifest your dream in the integrity of a divine will that benefits you with optimism? Do you have your feet on the ground in a practical way, or are you escaping in your fantasies falling into the illusion of your addictions? And how does you feeling your idealism benefits the rest of humanity? And the very Earth that feeds you?

This new moon, it is possible to understand that your attempt to innovate a new structure is in reality an act of Faith.

The security and stability you are desperately trying to grasp and control keeps moving, keeps changing, if nothing else just to show you that this is the law of nature... your impermanence.

Nothing is forever, you and I are passengers on this earthly ship, and death is just one more station of existence. As much as you focus on how to make life longer, you should be focusing on how to die in a peaceful way; in order with God's laws of life and timing. Whenever is your turn to pass on to another life, you will, regardless of all your attempts to control it otherwise.

This new moon gives you the opportunity to express your attention to the stability of the details; order your priorities, remember your intention; may it be an intention of happiness, good will, compassion, so then when you plant your seed for the future, you succeed giving it the blessing of life.

May it be a healthy seed, may your intention be clear, and may you be able to focus your attention on your breathing, so that by observing your sensations you can recognize your emotions and stop reacting to them. Rather, they are the voice of the teacher within you, who helps you discern the path of happiness, harmony, peace, and freedom, for the benefit of all.

Come back to your breath. Breathe freely. Communicate your feelings with kindness, ask for what you want with noble words, only beneficial actions for the benefit of humanity.

We are mirrors of light. It is a good time to pay attention to the details of your happiness and good fortune, looking inward. Be silent and give your mind space by meditating with the technique that works best for you to silence your thinking.

If you believe in fate ... this is the moment you've been waiting for. But the decision is up to you. Freedom is carried in the heart. Don't get obsessed with winning, better use your personal power to be you.

Change with courage. Come back to your breath. Take your mask off. And flow happily in trust, with the change.

Happy new moon



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