Very friendly, this Soliluna (Sun and Moon) in conjunction, which we know as a new moon, arrives like a breath of fresh air. Like air, it moves fast, is fun, is light, is full of ideas wanting to be communicated, and it is all about how we move through all dual concepts. i.e. a couple.
Harmonious in action and expansion, it sextiles Mars and Jupiter right after Mars passes the exact conjunction the warrior planet shared with the great benefit divine, activating superior education, and benefiting warrior actions in the leadership toward peace.
Jupiter rulling the VII house of partnership, with no planets here is very clear. When dealing with the other, it is all about f r e e d o m. Love so like the other feels free. It is all about Truth, partner with the other only if it is truth in the search of meaning what unites you. Great benefits will arise from from benefic actions, terrible things will result from malefic expansion; how do you know is malefic? You probably feel burnt out as this new moon comes to rise. Jupiter and Mars are traditionally known as the benefic and the malefic from the Sun cast, respectively. Their union happen under Mars rulership, since they are both transiting Aries, mars home; giving those who are born to lead the courage to assert their identity in the collective as brave individuals who are no afraid to take the leap into the unknown independently, and invite the whole humanity to follow them. Since Mars was in the reception of Jupiter, Jupiter gave her blessing and celebrated the spiritual warrior in all of us, somehow blessing us with the teaching that we are all leaders of our own liberation, and the teacher is within.
As this was brewing, Venus entered Venus, also her home; where the feminine was able to ground all the work to be done for balance, harmony, justice, and beauty. The brightest morning star, she is ready to enjoy the pleasures of manifesting on earth what she desires as she charms the other with a stable magnetic power... a natural law of attraction that unites humanity towards a material reality that feels good, natural, and nutritious, like good company.
In Gemini, the sun illuminates the vitality and shine of a friendly communication, and the moon going in between the Sun and the Moon, shows her receptivity to project that light in a fun way and soften its radiation, which can be damaging when a lot of ideas flow in the mind. The moon, in Vedic astrology, represents the mind. In western astrology we direct our mind attention to the feelings as an evolutive growth that combines subconscious and memory as a way to explore the root, and purify it as we understand a pure healthy root gives a healthy tree.
This new soliluna rises close to the AC Ascendent which marks the horoskope (the hour) in the exact degree as the part of the fortune, which is the mathematical point that has been recorded to represent wealth, health, wellbeing, and fame in the individual. In the 11*/12* degrees the symbol we see in clairvoyance belong to the third level of the astrological mandala: individual/mental phase. A symbol grounds us in newly opened lands which offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience. And the keynote is the power and joy of new beginnings. This is a first stage of a fifteenth five-fold sequence of symbols. Those in synch learn that having conquered, at least to some extent, the collective and material energies of nature and society, man has become relatively "separate" from the past. He faces the future. Every step ahead should show us RISING TO THE OCCASION.
As the slave to any kind of oppression, be it physical, psychological, or spiritual, liberates herself/himself from the ghost of the past, the new lands are opened, but they are filled with lives, and the pioneer's mind filled with ghosts, preconceptions, and prejudices or expectations. What is needed is a total LIQUIDATION of the past; virgin minds for virgin fields.
As devotion (Vesta) to success keeps the initiation fire on, the guarding of time and karma keeps building a free future for all, recognizing is the hour of Mars and Jupiter (decans), allowing for the innovation of the structure and new rules of governance that can lead society in the long term. Neptune still in the X house, in good aspect with Mars and Jupiter, advices to continue healing the art of living by instead of escaping responsibility and determination, learn to meditate properly so we can see things as they are with discipline until we see wisdom arise from the experience. Compassion and forgiveness are the key to social success.
Challenges will be met when we lack commitment and soul in respect the the effort that we need to do collectively, or when we either abusing others, or being abuse. So there is really no confusion here. In geminis, this new moon responds to Mercury; Mercury retrograded all the way back to Algol's degree, 26* Taurus, if you managed to not loose your head once more, you will feel the change of direction. Mercury stations direct and starts moving forward influencing you to move lighter and communicate better, mainly with yourself, so then you can teach others and share your ideas.
This lunation starts in the XII house, sharing space with Uranus in Tauro, in conjunction with the lunation ruler, and the north node of the moon representing evolution; it is all about changing subconscious patterns and how you speak to yourself. The idea is to befriend duality, and master the chatter in your mind.
How do you we do it? With peaceful communication. Say how you feel, ask for what you need clearly, in coherence of heart/mind so the words you choose are beneficial and can really change the pattern at the deepest level of the mind. And then listen to the other do the same.
Have fun!
If you want to study how this transits affect you individually, in your relationships, work, health, and success, book an reading with me of your natal chart, and we'll look at your specific questions.