Solsticio Dec 2I, 🔥9:59am CT Jupiter 28*♒️ rising into critical degree when either you expand your perspective of what you think is true or you will miss the teachings of geniality and freedom of thought ♒️ in other words, either you align body, mind and spirit with your Soul expression ♓️casa I or you will miss your own revolution. It might help you to observe that this solstice brings 🌕moon energy of enlightenment in all topics related to the duality of thought that pull you away from the galactic center. Easy to confuse the GC with the galactic vacuum that is close in degree where galaxies dissapear🔭 the moon already in 27 Cancer♋️ reminds you to renew those nurturing habits that make you feel at home in your own skin, as it oposes Venus 26♑️ ya retro en un viaje reflectivo sobre tu deseo y el magnetismo de tu corazón❤️silenciosa y oculta a simple vista por 40 noches y 40 días en las ke pone en la balanza el deseo de ser valorado en la lección del espejo del otro. Interesante ke #kiron justo con la luna🌕cambie de dirección y avance de forma directa después de 5 meses de insistir en obtener resultados sanando la identidad de tu niñx internx en la vulnerabilidad del ser. Trauma healed and a new important era begins in the affirmation of I AM. Since we say I AM lets look at #mars in trine who acts with integrity freeing you towards your divine destiny mc♐️ the home of the brave. The Sun☀️♐️ in the critical degree demands social respetability to introduce a personalized worship of your sense of spiritual value transfered to a man by a collective of human beings because it encarnates their ideal. It can be a blessing or a curse.👁The #partofthefortune in #virgo reminds you that in relationships your wellbeing will result from your intelligent analysis of the details of the union 🌕but make no mistake it is union what you seek to fill fullfilled.🔭friendly communication is the drive of your evolution so you can say hello to the befinning of your new stability as intensity decreases and good company grounds you to your own nature. That is how you know is good company♉️it feels right in the body ☺️ Light your fire and honor the new season ✨🦌✨with wisdom
