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Sparkle Sparkle

Writer: YesYes


A new moon in Leo♌️ transits this July 28 at 12:54 p.m. Central Time CT, 11:54 a.m. Mountain Time MT -

#Leo puts you at the center with the generosity of self expression of your creative talents, loyalty, joy, and the confidence of a brave heart♥️ The lunation in a new phase gives you the opportunity to renew your purpose, a challenge presented by the square with #thepartoffortune (arabic point that describes true vocation) rising on the AC in scorpio - which is now the South Node of the moon and is a point of release as it opposes the North Node, which is the portal of evolution. With Benefic Venus still in Cancer you might do good by practicing good timing and meanwhile continue enjoying your family and the pleasures of the valuable work that allows you to protect it, and what you believe about it. With Mercury leading the way of this lunation in Leo in conjuntion with Ceres culminating in the MC (Midheaven) and conjuncting the Bright Apollo, it is a great new moon to use your communication skills to shine your light in the success you have had using your talents, applying the seed for your success in stepping at the center as yoir cosmic nature calls you to do it (what house or houses in the zodiac is your house of Leo♌️ - what planets do you have there, what geometric aspects happen there, if any?) The seed you plant this new moon will sprout in good timing, with grandiosity.

Why? This New Moon in Leo areives with a beautiful trine with Jupiter - the great benefic- in Aries, and arrives with a wonderful beneficial oportunity to trascend frontiers and cultures through travel, spirituality, higher education, higher justice, truth, meaning, adventure, friendship, and the publishing of multilingüal wise teachings that elevate humanity though the heighten power of the spirit.

In July 29th, Jupiter turns retrograde from 8* degree of Aries and transits again into Piscis until 28* when it goes Direct on November 24th and transits back arriving to the 8* of Aries y February and continues its journey in the sign of ♈️aries, hopefully ready to expand your leadership into your own growth.

Planet on retrogrades are opportunities to go deeper into the topics relevant to the planets involved in the transits (study your natal chart to see where (what sign, degree, and house)in the sky was your natal Jupiter when you were born, and where is your Aires house in your chart, and what planets you have there, which will be activated by this Jupiter transit.

Stationary periods of a retrograde or foward motion is a time of shift. I think if the sailor's lenguage when I say "papaloteando" - wich my dear friend Artista Arquitecto extraordinaire and sailor @enriquerosasart taught me as the wise arc of time it takes to steer the boat for better winds ⛵️ Thank you for that.

If you are one to have been born with Jupiter retrograde, these

time to you should be a smooth sail, because you know this energy well. It is likekly that you will feel the good timing to recognize the blessing #jupiter , the great benefactor of the Zodiac together with Venus, has for you.

In any case, just remember its virtue: freedom and truth in the search of meaning. Then apply that to your life with a focus on the topics represented by the sign, house, degree, elemental dignities, modality, and geometric aspects with other planets. If you have been studying Astrology for a while you might want to also take a look at your Secondary Progressions and Lords of the Year. All time techniques to help you understand your nature and your natural cycles in time.

With the opposition with Pluto retro en Capri, te recomiendo respirar, y si intuyes que alguien está limtando tu poder personal, te sientes manipulado/a, o el control que otro/a ejerce sobre ti te intoxica, usa esta energía benéfica para purificar con sabiduría y renacer en tu luz propia. ♥️ Todos queremos admirar tu brillo y disfrutar de tus talentos. 😃

When the tension of the unexpected electrified you upon arrival, re-member you are #changingthepattern #youarethefuture #EverythingIsAlwaysChanging #changeisalwaysgood #changeisallthereis R e s p i r a 🪷

Happy travels!



@yeyeorganicpop #yosoy 🌀🫧🕉🪷✨🔭🕉♾️ The WaterWalkers


#dijidiru by Kimba Arem

#keyboards by Justin Millertone

video by Jason Bosch



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